Food Services
School Food Service Program
All school breakfast and lunch meals are free to all students again this year! This ONLY includes entire meals. If your student(s) request a milk or ala carte item, those items will have a charge.
Please fill out this form for the state of Vermont statistics
If you have questions or concerns regarding your students food intake, please don't hesitate to contact Chef Waffarn @ 802-223-2796 ext 119 or email him
Dear Berlin Families,
Below are the prices for adult and special lunches and breakfast
ADULT GUEST "SPECIAL LUNCH" ie: Harvest Luncheon = $7.50
Welcome back to school!!!
My name is Jacob Waffran and I am the Food Service Director here at the Berlin Elementary School. is the Assistant Food Service Agent and we are both looking forward to serving your children wonderful, nutritious meals in the new school year. We anticipate that we will participate in the Fresh Fruit and Veggie Program again this year and will be distributing healthy snacks to all students daily. We will be serving breakfast and lunch every day. Berlin Elementary School is a “Nut Aware” school. As a community, we respect all students and staff who may have dietary needs due to medical concerns. We make every effort to ensure that all individuals feel safe and accepted in all areas of the school. Some students/staff at BES have life-threatening allergies to a variety of foods including forms of nuts, not just peanuts. We request that you be aware of any products brought from home that may contain nuts and/or foods processed in a facility that produces products with nuts; reading labels is an important way to ensure the safety of our school community. BES has established a “nut free” table reserved in the cafeteria that can be safely used by ANY student to safely have a nut-free meal. Please be assured every precaution is used by the food service department to prepare meals that take all dietary restrictions and allergies into account. Again, by reading ingredients and product labels prior to preparing meals brought to school, you will help keep our students safe. You will also receive from individual classroom teachers and the school nurse specific guidelines to follow to ensure safety in classroom. Please read and adhere to the information provided around this very important issue.
Menus—Menus will be sent home monthly and can be found on the Berlin Elementary School web page. There are also extra lunch menus available at the front office.
Thank you for supporting our efforts in providing healthy, well balanced meals for our growing children!
Jacob Waffran, Food Service Director