Title I Assurances
Berlin Elementary School Family School Compact
The Berlin Elementary School staff and families of students attending Berlin ElementarySchool agree that this compact outlines how the families, the entire school staff and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and families will build and develop a partnership that will help children achieve high standards.
Berlin Elementary School staff will:
● Provide high quality curricula and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables children to meet the state’s student academic achievement standards;
Promote the social and emotional development of all student;
● Hold parent-teacher conferences during which this compact will be discussed as it relates to individual student achievement;
● Provide families with frequent reports on their children’s progress;
● Provide families with reasonable access to staff;
● Provide families with opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s class and observe classroom activities.
Berlin Elementary School families will support our children’s learning in the following ways:
● Encourage our children to put a high priority on education and work with them on a daily basis to make the most of the educational opportunities the school provides;
● Be sure our children come to school each day prepared, rested, and ready to learn;
● Become familiar with our children’s school activities and with academic programs;
● Attend scheduled conferences and request additional conferences as needed;
● Volunteer, when appropriate, in our schools;
● Participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to our children’s education;
● Promote positive use of our children’s extracurricular time.
Berlin Elementary School students will:
● Be Safe
● Be Respectful
● Be Ready
Title I Assurances Notification for FY25
Our school is a Title I eligible school. The purpose of Title I is to “provide all children
significant opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education, and to close
achievement gaps.” As a recipient of federal funds, we are required to adhere to some annual assurances, including notifying families about a few things each year.
First, parents of students in Title I schools have the right to request information regarding any
State or local educational agency policy regarding student participation in any Federal, State,
or locally required assessments.
Second, we are required to let parents know if a student has been assigned or been taught for
four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who does not meet applicable State certification
for the assignment.
Third, parents have the right to request information regarding the professional qualifications
of their child’s classroom teacher, including State licensing criteria and college major. Also, if
a student is being supported by a paraeducator, parents in Title I schools have the right to
request information about the qualifications of the paraeducator.
We are also required to provide information and get input about how we use our Title I funds.
Each year the grant manager will host an annual Title 1 meeting. Please look for district communication for the time and date of this meeting. The recording of last years meeting can be found in a link at the conclusion of this letter.
If you have any questions or concerns about these assurances, please contact the principal Celia Guggemos at cguggemos@u32.org. Additional information regarding Title funds can be found click here.